Reciclados La Red by Veolia’s management is strongly committed to product quality, respect for the environment and the health and safety of its workers. Consequently, the company has committed to continually improving the efficiency of its production processes by implementing the new Integrated Quality and Environmental policy, based on the UNE-EN-ISO 9001:2015 y UNE-EN-ISO 14001:2015, and we are pioneers in obtaining the AENOR Certificate for Traceability of Recycled Plastic under UNE-EN 15343.
These certifications ensure the quality and traceability of the product together with environmental care, complying with Spanish and European regulations. We are also authorised managers of non-hazardous waste.
As a result, Reciclados La Red by Veolia’s management has set out the following Integrated Quality and Environmental Policy and undertakes to disseminate it among all levels of the organisation, as well as to provide the resources necessary for compliance.

Quality of the product supplied
As well as quality of the raw materials used.
A rigorous and comprehensive monitoring of the product‘s quality carried out by skilled staff
Using equipment and infrastructure of the highest quality, technical capacity and safety.
Reliability and ongoing commitment
To meeting its commitments to clients through proper planning and management of priorities, flexibility and responsiveness.
Strict compliance with the legal requirements
Applicable in such matters.
Strengthen our relationship and collaboration with suppliers
As an essential link in our service process.
Safe management of offices and production facilities
In order to minimise any damage or impairment to our employees’ health. We focus mainly on creating awareness in the workers and we also ensure and monitor the use and availability of any and all means of protection needed (both individual and collective).
Minimise adverse environmental impacts and prevent pollution
As well as promotion of using resources efficiently – reusing them wherever possible – and proper management of wastes.
Promote communication, awareness and training
With a view to ensuring that our attitudes and practices in terms of safety, environment and quality are fully and accurately understood by our workers, along with a constant awareness of the company on issues of occupational health and safety.
Management ensures that the Integrated Quality, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety Policy is understood, implemented and kept up to date at all levels of the company and that it is available to interested parties. It also expresses its commitment to these issues by means of the definition and dissemination of this policy and by agreeing to and complying with any other requirements and commitments endorsed by the company.