The urgency of efficient agricultural plastic waste management: A collaborative approach towards sustainability

The urgency of efficient agricultural plastic waste management: A collaborative approach towards sustainability

The management of agricultural plastic waste has become a relevant focus for the sustainability of the sector. At the forefront of this movement, we find Reciclados La Red by Veolia, one of the main recycling companies in Spain, where we carry out significant work to minimize the impact of this waste on our planet.

In a recent interview in the Plasticulture magazine, Carmelo Justo, the Development Director of La Red by Veolia, stressed the need for solid legislation to support an integrated system of shared responsibility between public authorities, farmers, distributors, and manufacturers. This is crucial due to the increase in the use of plastics in agriculture, which, while offering resistance, durability, and low cost, their incorrect management can lead to significant environmental repercussions.

Due to the lack of sufficient resources and legislative ambiguity, many small producers face difficulties in proceeding with the collection, transportation, and recycling of these materials. To cope with this, we have been providing comprehensive agricultural plastic waste management services since 2008.

However, the importance of clear legislation supporting the management of this waste should not be underestimated. Initiatives to establish such legislation, such as Law 7/2022 on waste and contaminated soils for a circular economy, are still pending implementation.

Only with an integral and collaborative approach, supported by clear legislation, can we ensure efficient management of agricultural plastic waste and a cleaner, more sustainable future. This effort requires the active participation of all the actors involved: producers, public administration, and companies specialized in waste management.

At La Red by Veolia, we are committed to this approach, ensuring that the process of recovered and recycled materials is optimal and serving agricultural producers throughout the recycling process. Moving towards a more sustainable future is a shared responsibility. With effective management of agricultural plastic waste, we can ensure the sustainability of agriculture and protect our precious ecosystems.